Infants & Toddlers

Infant and Toddler Curriculum

The care that infants and toddlers receive and their experiences during the first three years of life have a powerful influence on the way they view the world, relate to others, and succeed as learners. Infants and toddlers who receive high-quality care are more likely to become sociable, capable preschoolers who get along with others, develop self-control, and love learning.

We use The Creative Curriculum for Infants, Toddlers & Twos curriculum. The framework that guides this curriculum has routines and experiences at its center. That is because the routines and experiences that structure each day, and the responsive care and teaching provided during these times, are what enable children to develop a secure attachment with the important people in their lives and gain confidence in themselves as learners.

These routines and experiences are centered on four areas of development – social emotional, cognitive, physical, and language. Routines offer the opportunity to build positive relationships with children and promote trust. Daily experiences include engaging children in hellos and goodbyes, diapering and toileting, eating and mealtimes, sleeping and nap time, getting dressed, playing with toys, imitating and pretending, enjoying stories and books, connecting with music and movement, creating with art, tasting and preparing food, exploring with sand and water, and going outdoors. St. Michael’s embraces the “learn through play” model and follows all Delaware Stars and state licensing requirements.

Example of Daily Infant Schedule

Free Play/ Accessibility to all materials
Personal routines (diapering, handwashing, feeding, napping and as needed)
7:00am - 9:00am
Open play time – outdoor play yard or indoors in playroom (wash hands) ~ 30 minutes outside time
9:30am - Noon
Free Play/ Accessibility to all materials
Personal routines (diapering, handwashing, feeding, napping and as needed)
11:00am – 2:30pm
Open play time – outdoor play yard or indoors in library/playroom (wash hands) ~ 30 minutes outside time
Noon – 4:00pm
Free Play/ Accessibility to all materials
Personal routines (diapering, handwashing, feeding, napping and as needed)
Open play time – outdoor play yard or indoors in library (wash hands) ~ 30 minutes outside time
Free Play/ Accessibility to all materials
Personal routines (diapering, handwashing, feeding, napping and as needed)

Example of Daily Toddler Schedule

** Personal care routines (toileting, handwashing, etc.) will be performed for each child as needed

7am – 8:30am
Morning greetings and health check
Free Play/Accessibility to all materials**
8:30am- 9am
Breakfast (in dining room)
9am – 9:20am
Group Time
9:20am – 10:30am
Free Play/Accessibility to all materials**
Elective Special Activities:
Monday - Yoga 9:50-10:10
Friday – Movement 10:00-10:30
Outdoor Activity (30 minutes)
Free Play/Accessibility to all materials**
Lunch (in dining room)
12pm – 2:15pm
Naptime/quiet time with free choice of quiet activities for non-sleepers
2:30pm – 3:00pm
Snack (in classroom)
Outdoor Activity (30 minutes)
Free Play/Accessibility to all materials**
5:20pm – close
Prepare to go home